Thursday, June 16, 2011

AOF!!!! 6 of 13

We believe in the same aorganization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, bprophets, cpastors, dteachers, eevangelists, and so forth. 

So this Article Of Faith is pretty plain Jane. Lets break it down. We believe in the Same organization that existed in the Primitive Church. This is saying that we follow the same structure as when Jesus Christ was on the earth. Now this can get confusing because a lot of you have heard of a Pastor or an evangelist. The second part is Namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. The English language has change since the times of Jesus Christ. In the church today we have the modern day prophet who is Thomas Spencer Monson and his Apostles. So the name hasn't changed for them but pastor and evangelists have. A Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is like a Pastor in a Baptist church and an evangelist is a patriarch in the LDS church. One way you can find out that this church is the same one that Jesus Christ created on the earth in his time is to pray about it. With a broken heart and a contrite spirit, the Holy Ghost will manifest his power and give you the answer that you truly seek. If we don't follow what Paul wrote in his epistle to the Ephesians and if we just find something that feels good, we will not find something that is right. And I say these things in the Sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.  

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