Wednesday, February 29, 2012

He will ALWAYS love you no matter what!

"I am the thorn in Your crown but You love me anyway
I am the sweat from Your brow but You love me anyway

I am the nail in Your wrist but You love me anyway
I am Judas' kiss but You love me anyway"

For the people that are following my blog I like singing and making music. Well me and a friend took bridge from another song and made it ours and when I always sing this part I ALWAYS feel a sense of comfort and security that he loves me for who I am. Jesus Christ came down in Flesh and bone and walked with us on earth and he died for us. We were that thorn, we were that sweat from his brow, we were that nail in his wrist, we were that kiss Judas gave to Jesus BUT he STILL love us. NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!

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