Sunday, April 17, 2011

They hurt MY Jesus!

"They hurt MY Jesus!"

 I heard this from one of my best friends. She said this when she was 3 years old. Now she is 19 and so strong in the church. Now, to some of you, you would think "Awww how cute." When I heard that I immediately started crying because I have never heard that saying before. It struck me so hard that I sat there and pondered about my life and why and how I am here today. Here is a similar picture of what my friend saw when she said that. 

Jesus Christ died for us so we can live. So we can have the chance to repent from our sins. Many people (Mostly people that are not religious or they have just fallen away from the gospel) think that they just killed Jesus because they thought he was a liar. Heavenly Father sent his Son down to live a normal life. To live with people that are regular people. But his purpose when he came to this earth was to share the gospel to the people and establish Heavenly Father's Church. John 3:16-17 says:

For aGod so bloved the cworld, that he dgave his eonly begotten fSon, that whosoever gbelieveth in him should not perish, but have heverlasting ilife.
For God asent not his Son into the world to bcondemn the world; but that the world through him might be csaved.
Now put your name in where it says world and whosoever.

 "For God so loved KENNY, that he gave his only begotten Son, that KENNY believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn KENNY; but that KENNY through him might be saved."

 I would like to testify to you Brother's and Sister's that MY Heavenly Father and MY Jesus Christ lives. I know Heavenly Father sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. I know that he didn't send Jesus Christ to condemn us, BUT through him we might be saved. I say these things in the sacred name of (MY) Jesus Christ. Amen.


Elder Miner said...

what a great Realization. Thank you kenny for how strong you are.

Elder Miner said...

What a great realization, Thank you Kenny for being so strong. Christ Lives to this day that we will have Eternal life!